Thursday, October 25, 2007

An alternative opionion

The whole purpose of my blog is to provide analternative opinion in the Lesbian world. It's not to'support' and 'encourage' the continuing stereotypesand idiocy. The fact is, there's a lot to be angryabout out there! And whether you get angry aboutpolitics or crappy poetry -- well, to each her own.I'm here in the midwest where unless you're a fat butch with questionable taste in grooming and clothing, the Lesbian community doesn't SEE you. I'm in a place where the women form 'bonds' that arereally an excuse for exclusion.You're young, and you have seemed to accomplished quite a bit on the web. Brava. In reality, however,it's all been a bit of a dissappointment, hasn't it? You just go on the net all day. Why not start doing someting more cooler, more active like swimming, or soccer or surfing? You're involvement with whoeva has left you doubting.That's because women really want something differentthan what's being offered out there.Maybe I'm a small part of that.I will continue to read your blog. I find itendlessly amusing. If you put yourself out there,there's no guarantee that everyone will like what youhave to say, or the way you say it. I'm a TERRIFIC example of that double edged sword.

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